Pawn Tactics Wiki
Render of the Assault class.

The Assault is a Unit Class introduced in the game Pawn Tactics. One of the 4 classes that survived Open Beta to the present, the Assaults are the "grunts" of the other classes. They are the most versatile class in the game, with four grenades, a Glock, two flashbang grenades and an M16.

In-Game Role[]

The Assaults, like their name, are the grunts. They pack light enough to move around, but still pack heavy enough to do some major damage. One of the most notable feature of the Assaults are their high amount of thrown explosives, making them well-used for Red Team in Assault Mode when the Zones are elevated and are crowded with Campers.

Assaults had a weakness from Recons, for the Assault's weapons and Armor Type couldn't match the Recon's in a close-quarter fight. Because of that, the Melee system was added for the Assault to make a better balance in a K-Bar Knife fight. To use melee, press F.



Assault vs. Assault: Neither player has the advantage.

Assault vs. Support: You have the advantage at medium to long range due to your superiorly accurate assault rifle, however at close quarters, it can go either way, since their spreadful, slow, but extremely lethal shotgun will kill you in one shot if you have less than 87% health, and even if you survive, a single knick will kill you. Nonetheless your extremely deadly melee which is about three times faster than their gun and can kill them in one hit if they have 80% or less health, and it only takes a scratch to finish them off. Another major component, is the Supports' Nano Kit, due to this healing aura around them, getting teamed by them, means death for you, you cannot afford long term combat, if you plan on taking a group out, you must do it on the spot very quickly.

Assault vs. Heavy: You have the advantage at long range, due your superiorly accurate assault rifle and also due to their inferiorly accurate minigun. At medium range, both players are evenly matched, you have weaker armor, but you are faster, smaller, and more accurate. They simply have better armor, but are bigger targerts, slower, and very inaccurate. At close quarters, you are a dead man, if they are pro. They will now have an effectively faster, deadly minigun and heavy armor which is resistant to your melee. They also possess melee on top of that, and it has more range, area of effect, plus you lack the melee resisant armor they possess. At this point sprint into medium range because you are screwed up that close, you don't have to worry about him following you, just his rain of bullets, so dodge and evade. Grenades also help quite a bit in taking out a Heavy.

Assault vs. Recon: You have the advantage at long range and medium range due to your superior assault rifle and your better armor. Be prepared for close quarters ambushes which are usually decided by melee on melee. Their knife can do triple damage which is an instant kill on you, but only if they place it right, otherwise you will be alive by the skin of your teeth. They have more range too, but you have a faster melee with a larger area of effect, and unlike them, they die in one hit garaunteed. Watch out for their cloak and superior agility because they enjoy ambush tactics. If you are wounded to the point of near death, they often enjoying gunning you down from a distance to finishing you off to avoid any risks in close quarters combat, so healing up as soon as posible after a close encounter is recommended.

Assault vs. Mauler: You have the advantage at long range, since their grenade launcher lacks any real range and is slow sending the rounds to the target. Their sidearm isn't any more effective since it's all speed and no power. However at medium range, this is where their grenade launcher shines, which gives either side a lead away, since both are evenly deadly at that range. At close quarters, you are pretty much safe, the grenade launcher can't be fired without harming themselves, the sidearm is crap, and the kbar knife has the lowest range for any melee weapon. Simply watch where you are going, because they usually lay claymores to deter hostiles from charging into close quarters combat. If you see a claymore, just throw a grenade onto it, the more clustered the claymores are, the less grenades you have to use. If they are standing on a claymore, throw it at them immediately, it is a garaunteed kill. The explosion of the grenade plus the explosion of their claymore means death to them.

Assault vs. Guardian: You have the utmost advantage all at ranges simply because they have the weakest gun in the game, since it's all speed and no power. It is even weaker than the Mauler's sidearm. They possess only two edges over you, their inpenetrable shield, and their heavy armor. Normally they would be easily disposed of at long range, however they possess a shield, your choices are move into close quarters combat, or fleeing. At medium range, the same could be said and since your closer more of their shots will hit, you have to move in close at this point. At close quarters, simply squirm around them, you must have your gun directly into them, if their shield is in the way, then you are not going to shoot them. Melee is useless, just make sure to fire several shots into them. Remember, a guard is like a medic, who attracts many allies attention, so keep your guards up when you CAUTIOUSLY attack the guardian. The quicker, the better the situation it is.

Assault vs. Lancer: You are at a disadvantage at long range, this is due to their slightly more accurate gauss rifle and their bionic leg enhancements make them better dodgers. If you you meet in medium range, it is relatively an even match, but they still are faster to dodging your bullets. If you manage to some how get them into close quarters combat, you will have a slight advanatage, but only if they or you get close enough for you to melee them. If the lancer is pro, your only hope is to bring friends or switch to recon because they will avoid getting close at almost all costs and simply snipe you down.

Assault vs. Command: You have an advantage at close quarters because of the accurate M16 and melee. If they use the slow down auara, be ready to use melee but don't fire at them because the Command will just use its knife to kill you and your melee will have to cool down from the M16. If the Command is on higher ground, simply use the flashbang and grenade them.

